MENGENAL BIG DATA Halo selamat datang kembali lagi ke blog saya, kali ini saya akan kembali berbagi ilmu mengenai Big Data. Pasti dari kalian masih ada yang belum mengetahui apa sih Big Data itu ? Nah oleh karena itu yuk mari simak penjelasan mengenai Big Data dibawah ini ! Apa itu Big Data ? Big Data menurut Wikipedia : Big Data is a phrase used to mean a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large it is difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. In most enterpise scenarios the volume of data is too big or it moves too fast or it eexceeds current processing capacity. Big Data menurut Edd Dumbill : Big Data is data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The data is too big, moves too fast, or doesn’t fit the strictures of your database architectures. To gain value from this data, you must choose an alternative way to process it Dari kedua definisi diatas mungkin b